Using endnote with pages
Using endnote with pages

using endnote with pages

If you try adding page numbers to your citations without modifying your output style first then you may find that your page numbers disappear when you format your paper or add new references. Make sure you maintain your original documents with EndNote field codes.» Print friendly version of this article.ġ out of 1 people have found this article useful.ĮndNote BD7E Page numbers and citations EndNote has two options for adding page numbers to your citations: Both methods will require you to change your output style as this is what determines how your citations appear in Microsoft Word. Note: Once you have removed field codes, you cannot reformat your citations and bibliography. The new document will appear in a new unsaved document window.

  • A dialog box will appear informing you that the Convert to Plain Text command will create a new copy of your document with no field codes.
  • Click on Convert Citations and Bibliography and choose Convert to Plain Text from the drop-down menu.
  • Open a copy of your formatted Word document.
  • You may also want to remove field codes when sharing your Word document with a colleague who is using a different word processor or an incompatible version of Word. Journal publishers request that you remove field codes when submitting a manuscript. Removing field codes means deleting the field codes and saving the formatted citations and bibliography as text.
  • When you have made all the desired changes, click the OK button to close the dialog box.Ĭite While Your Write places field codes around and inside your formatted citations in Word, which allows EndNote to format citations within Word.
  • EndNote codes associated with the citation may not be erased and your document could become corrupted.
  • Note: Do NOT use the Delete or Backspace key to remove a citation from your Word document.
  • From the Edit Reference drop-down menu, select Remove Citation.
  • The new references will be added to the current citation.


    See instructions above ( Inserting Citations) for how to find and insert a reference from within a Word document.The EndNote Find & Insert My References dialog box will appear.

    using endnote with pages

  • From the Edit Reference drop-down menu, select Insert Citation.
  • Page numbers will only appear for Output Styles that contain a cited pages code, for example, MLA and Chicago.
  • Add page numbers to the citation by entering numbers into the Pages box.
  • The text will appear before (prefix) or after (suffix) the citation.
  • Add a prefix or suffix by typing text in the Prefix or Suffix boxes.
  • For example, you can choose to Exclude Author or Exclude Year from the citation.
  • From the dropdown menu next to Formatting, choose how you want the in-text citation to appear.
  • using endnote with pages

    In the EndNote Edit & Manage Citations dialog box, click on the citation you wish to edit.The EndNote Edit & Manage Citations dialog box will appear. In your Microsoft Word document, click on the citation that you wish to edit, becoming grey.To modify, add or delete formatted citations: Note: Save your Word document after inserting citations. The selected references will be inserted into your Word document. Once you have selected your references, click on the Insert Citation button in the toolbar along the top.To highlight multiple references, hold down the Ctrl key while you click on references. In EndNote, highlight the references that you wish to cite.To insert a citation from within EndNote: The selected references will be inserted into your Word document and displayed as defined by the current Output Style. Once you have selected your references, click on the Insert button.In the results of your search, click on the reference that you want to cite to highlight it.Or if you want to search through all articles in your library, insert an asterisk (*). In the text box at the top of the dialog box, enter text (author's last name, year, title, keyword) to search for the reference in your library. The EndNote Find & Insert My References dialog box will appear.Click Insert Citation and choose Insert Citation.Click on the EndNote menu tab in the Word toolbar.You can then insert the citation from the Word or Endnote interfaces. Note that before you can insert a citation into a Word document, you must have the document and the desired Endnote library open on your computer.

    Using endnote with pages